Friday 11 November 2016

Wordpress taxonomy

Taxonomy is a feature to group content like, posts, links in a structured way. The In-built taxonomies in Wordpress are category and tag. The first taxonomy that is category is a hierarchical and the second one is non-hierarchical that is tags. We can build the custom taxonomies with the help of wordpress.

PHP training in Chandigarh

Custom Walker in Wordpress :
Custom walker helps to check the syntax in one go which is generated due to these functions
Wp_nav_menu (),
wp_list_categories ().
WordPress allows creating custom walker class to do changes with these formatted results. The category list can be modified using the function wp_list_categories().  
The place where you get the wordpress categories :
In WordPress there are many in-built functions to get all categories. These are,
get _categories(),
Functions can be varied depends upon the output we get. There are optional parameters which filter categories accepted by the wordpress functions. The list of those parameters can be an array or string.
Featured image in wordpress
The images which are rich in quality can be called as a featured image which can used to post in various sites can be made with the help of wordpress.
Child Theme Template in Wordpress
In this the child theme inherits the property of the existing theme and can be easily modified. The inheritance means to get the properties from the parent theme or we say an existing theme so that the child template can be easily copy the styles of the parent theme.
Minimal wordpress theme
You have to first create a theme folder then follow some specific file like
  • header.php – for adding title and the c=script in client side
  • footer.php – for adding copyrights
  • index.php – by using you can post your articles.
  • styles.php – as name suggests, for adding styles.
Add PHP page in wordpress
To create the page in PHP you need a template which is added with the help of the file you saved in the theme folder and after coding part is executed the new page is created.
This is the brief information about the word press which the part of PHP. The php is the vast technology and also have the bright future as the no, of websites and applications are developed through PHP so get ready to learn PHP. PHP training in Chandigarh is provided by the CBitss Technologies has got the experts trainers to guide the students and trained them in a PHP.


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