Monday, 20 February 2017

Framework - PHP training in Chandigarh


A framework is a collection of software or program so that you can easily write code and implement these code. It helps a developer to complete your work easily in short period of time. Here we discuss some of the Frameworks which is used in PHP.


Some Frameworks are:

  • CakePHP
  • YII Framework
  • Codeigniter
  • Zend Framework
  • Symfony
  • Laravel

CakePHP: CakePHP is a great source to build up simple and attractive web applications in an easy way. There are some inbuilt features in this framework like MySQL injection and input validation that help us to secure our web application.

  • It has no need to configure.
  • It is a secure framework.
  • It can build quickly.

YII Framework: YII is an open source, object-oriented and component-based web application framework. YII framework works based on web 2.0 with high-end securities. It also help us with their inbuilt features like input validation, SQL injection and output filtering.

Codeigniter: Codeigniter is a lightweight source web application framework that utilizes the MVC (Model View Controller) architecture to develop small print for a developer who needs a simple and elegant toolkit to create innovative web applications.

  • Form and data validation.
  • Extremely Lightweight.
  • Email sending class.
  • Session Management.
  • Query builder database support.

Zend Framework: Zend is a modern framework for performing high-end web applications. It is also an object-oriented web application.

Zend Framework

Symfony: Symfony is a PHP web application framework and a set of reusable PHP components.

Laravel: Laravel is a free, open source PHP web framework. Laravel has integrated with some of the great components of well tested and reliable code. Laravel is most useful for routing and lightweight blend tempting.


Features of Laravel:
  • It used Controller method injection.
  • Authentication support provided.
  • It works on the Directory structure.
  • It helps you to execute every route or specific route in your application.

Learn briefly about different frameworks which are provided by PHP training in Chandigarh. These frameworks are helpful to design web applications easily. These are worked on Model view controller that help developer to develop web applications.