Thursday, 7 December 2017

Features of PHP7

5 Features of PHP7 :-


PHP 7 frequently show speeds twice as fast as PHP 5.6 and many times even faster. Despite these results are not approved for your project, the benchmarks were tested against major projects, Drupal and WordPress, so these numbers don’t come from unreal performance tests. For More information learn PHP Training in Chandigarh

PHP Training in Chandigarh

2. Type Declarations

Type declarations  means defining which type of variable is being set rather than  allowing PHP . PHP is treated to be a weak typed language. In essence, this means that PHP does not require you to declare data types. Variables still have data types identify with them but you can do profound things like adding a string to an everyone without resulting in an error. Type declarations can help you define what should occur so that you get the expected results. This can also make your code easier to read. 

PHP 7 is more faster than PHP5 learn more about PHP by PHP training in Chandigarh.
3. Error Handling
Handling fatal errors in the past has been next to impossible in PHP but in PHP 7 an execution will be thrown when a destructive and improval error occurs, rather than just stopping the script. Fatal errors still exist for certain conditions such as running out of memory and still behave as before by directly stopping the script.
PHP Training in Chandigarh

4. Spaceship Operator

PHP 7 also brings us some new operators. The first one we’re going to explore is the spaceship operator. With a name like that, who doesn’t want to use it? The spaceship operator, or Combined Comparison Operator, is a nice addition to the language, complementing the greater-than and less-than operators.

5. Null Coalesce Operator

The Null Coalesce Operator is definitely the fabulous if-set-or. It will return the left operand if it is not NULL differently it will return the right. The important thing is that it will not raise a notice if the left operand is a non-existent variable.

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Friday, 1 December 2017

Open Source Content Management Systems

Open Source Content Management Systems


Here we have two CMS systems are based on PHP and .NET technology. The .NET systems we are analyzing are DNN and Umbraco, and the PHP systems are WordPress and Drupal.To  Learn Content management system go for PHP Training in Chandigarh.
Let's analyze the architecture and the different features supported by each one of them.

PHP Systems


WordPress is an open source CMS based on PHP technology. Wordpress is mostly used for creating portals and blogs. A blog post contains different sections such as the header, footer, sidebar for navigation, and the content page. It allows a simpler and faster way to create and publish pages. It also offers a lot of SEO plugins that help search optimization.
PHP Training in Chandigarh

WordPress supports a two step authentication process.The username and password that the user enters for the authentication . The other step is to register a mobile device from the application. Whenever a user tries to access the application, a verification code is sent to the mobile device; once the user keys in the verification code, access to the site is granted.  The wordpress application is more secured because the verification is done . Installation is simple where after derive and copying the package, one follows the installation wizard to complete the installation from the  Web hosting server and  file management plugins are available to manage and share documents with others.
Drupal is an open source CMS system based on php  Drupal's architecture consists of modules that are further divided into Core and commit modules. Core modules are shipped with the installation package and cannot be uninstalled or removed. Contributed modules are custom modules that are installed separately and can be removed from the system.
PHP Training in Chandigarh

Drupal supports a forms-based authentication and also provides user management modules where users can be created and allow privileges. It also supports unsigned users. Drupal supports a concept of content types. A page in a site can display multiple contents like news, blogs. Each content is called a node and each node is based on a content type that defines the content to be displayed and  allows users to create a custom content type based on the requirements.
Wordpress and Drupal is very much in Trend and these are the parts of PHP Training in Chandigarh.

.NET Systems


DNN is an open source CMS system available on the .NET platform. It is available in both free and paid versions. DNN has a basic Web application framework; multiple sites can be created on top on this basic framework. Each site consists of multiple pages and each page can have multiple modules. Each module is an application in itself. It also allows provides APIs to write custom extensions, and service APIs to connect to external systems. The DNN core system supports authentication against various providers, such as Twitter, Live, Facebook, and Google.
PHP Training in Chandigarh

Developers can extend tagging features to their custom modules by implementing Content Items. It also allows search engine optimization at the portal and the page level. Installation is made easy by providing an installation wizard and easy steps configure the application. A lot of free and paid themes are available for the users to use when developing DNN sites. It also supports development using HTML5 and CSS. This also makes its UI responsive.
Umbraco is an open source CMS system on the .NET platform. This is available to be free and a paid option for using professional tools and support. Umbraco embraces ASP.NET MVC concepts to design pages. It uses MVC's razor view concept to create templates. Templates can be master templates and it also supports partial views. Umbraco supports Windows integration authentication. It also allows flexibility to write custom authentication using the APIs. File management is supported by managing documents and media files using its built-in library. It supports quick creation of sites using Microsoft Word. It also supports HTML 5, CSS, and JavaScript that make the UI responsive.
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Friday, 16 June 2017

Future scope of PHP

Future Scope of PHP

PHP is a programing language, it is open source programing language suited for web development and embedded into HTML.

While providing PHP training in Chandigarh, our main focus on Core concepts of  PHP, wordpress,magento and Mysql. These days thousand of websites are getting live daily. Every organization want to make his business online no matter if he is mover or packer. Social media presence in these days are more priority.
Future scope of PHP

How PHP help in making websites?

                                            Future Scope of PHP increasing day by day, you can easily setup a basic or complex website by core programing as well as support of CMS.
CMS like wordpress,magento and framework like cakePHP, codeigniter makes it user friendly interface for development for E-commerce websites .

Designing and Development are the steps that are important. PHP Programming the Languages mostly used for Website and Web Application Development. PHP is a general purpose, server-side scripting language run a web server that's designed to make unique pages and applications.xt, such as  italic text.

Now check how future scope of PHP increasing with different techniques:-

PHP is highest scripting language to develop websites ,Looking at present market we can assure a good future of php.

Here few visibility to clear the scope of php :

PHP in blogging : Excellent Blog websites are built using php, People with minimum technical knowledge operates their Blogs. Ex: wordpress

CMS in PHP : Thousands of CMS websites support php, are freely available to download.
  • Good standard frameworks done by PHP ,to built big level application.
  • Zend , codeigniter, magento and cake php etc..
  • PHP and MYSQL providing number of  applications.
  • There are regular updation in PHP
  • More than 75% of the top websites use PHP programming language.

PHP training in Chandigarh is built on practical oriented training with a lot of practice sessions. We helps you to make good at PHP & MySQL, Zend Framework, Joomla web development skills and build better career prospects.

Wednesday, 7 June 2017

PHP training in Chandigarh

Tuesday, 23 May 2017


  How PHP training Chandigarh work in a JQUERY.

PHP training Chandigarh

How  Jquery help you in making your website responsive and interactive?

Today, we work on JQuery with PHP training Chandigarh. As we know, there are a bulk  of useful JavaScript libraries which is requires to  various web development projects. Among them, jQuery is a popular DOM manipulation JavaScript library. It has been installed on 65% of the top 10 million high-traffic websites on the web. PHP training Chandigarh with CBitss provide you very interactive web applications using PHP with JQuery.

Adding jQuery to Your Web Pages

Various  ways to start using jQuery on your web site.

You can:

  • Download the jQuery library from
  • Include jQuery from a CDN, like Google.

Downloading jQuery

There are two versions of jQuery available for downloading:

  • Production version - This is for your live website because it has been minified and compressed.
  • Development version - this is for testing and development (uncompressed and readable code).
Both versions can be downloaded from
The jQuery library is a single JavaScript file, and you reference it with the HTML <script> tag (notice that the <script> tag should be inside the <head> section.

 PHP training Chandigarh: Training Methodology

  • In PHP training Chandigarh , each course is split into two parts: Basic Learning & Advanced Programming. In Basic Learning students study the technology and also the basic programming ideas. In Advanced Programming students get to grasp concerning some advanced committal to writing architectures (MVC Architecture) and widespread open supply scripts.

  • No time limitation, students get additional categories to develop sturdy programming ability.

  • Regular assignments area unit given and tests area unit taken at the top of each course module to trace the progress of the scholars. comparatively weak students get special categories to beat their shortcomings.

  • Training modules area unit designed supported current trade demand for technology.

Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Purpose of PHP

Purpose of PHP

PHP for this world is a boon. PHP being a scripting language having its principal purpose of Server-Side scripting but is also designed for Web development or you can say development of web pages.

This is the necessity of time, as you can see or check any website, you’ll find the “PHP” in the extension of the link.

Fact and Figures: While coming to the fact and figures about PHP, 82% of websites are using PHP for their server-side programming, while more than 244 million websites have been developed with the help of PHP. This proves the reliability of PHP.

A necessity of time: In the current ecosystem, the web page or web application being developed needs high degree of customization, have to be provided with a highly interactive user interface, Should be able to perform online transactions and capable of integration with database systems. All these features can be achieved with the help of PHP.

Add On: Adding to this, most of the web-based enterprise apps are scripted in PHP, all the Apps of Facebook are also scripted in PHP.

So, after having to know about such a vast functionality of PHP, you might be feeling like knowing more about it, how it works, how to apply it, how to use it and basically what it is. So to clear all your confusions, to reduce the curiosity, you can go for its training, where you will receive an in-depth knowledge of PHP. There are various training institutes only a click away from you. PHP training in Chandigarh is being provided by the city’s best training institute “CBitss Technologies.” The institute assures you the best quality of training techniques and with the latest versions. You do the walk-in and will definitely have what you want.

Friday, 21 April 2017

Overview of PHP

Overview of PHP

PHP is server-side scripting language which can also be used as a general purpose scripting language. You can do everything that any other CGI program can do, in fact, more than that. As it can be used in all the major operating system and also have support for mostly all the servers, so one can freely choose the operating system as well as a web server. It also supports a wide range of databases. From here, it is understood that this is the language of today with least limitations or may be without any limitation.

This all proves that PHP is being used widely throughout the world and this says a lot about the opportunities you may get if you know its technicalities.
PHP is a scripting language used for web development and to be a web developer you need to be trained in PHP and if you are already working then you need to brush-up your skills.

This an be done by joining the best PHP training institute. And if you are in Chandigarh, you need not search for anything else except CBitss Technologies. Just one click away is the institute and for that click, you need to search for PHP training in Chandigarh and the first name you can see on your screen in CBitss Technologies. So, be the one and grab the opportunity.  

Monday, 20 February 2017

Framework - PHP training in Chandigarh


A framework is a collection of software or program so that you can easily write code and implement these code. It helps a developer to complete your work easily in short period of time. Here we discuss some of the Frameworks which is used in PHP.


Some Frameworks are:

  • CakePHP
  • YII Framework
  • Codeigniter
  • Zend Framework
  • Symfony
  • Laravel

CakePHP: CakePHP is a great source to build up simple and attractive web applications in an easy way. There are some inbuilt features in this framework like MySQL injection and input validation that help us to secure our web application.

  • It has no need to configure.
  • It is a secure framework.
  • It can build quickly.

YII Framework: YII is an open source, object-oriented and component-based web application framework. YII framework works based on web 2.0 with high-end securities. It also help us with their inbuilt features like input validation, SQL injection and output filtering.

Codeigniter: Codeigniter is a lightweight source web application framework that utilizes the MVC (Model View Controller) architecture to develop small print for a developer who needs a simple and elegant toolkit to create innovative web applications.

  • Form and data validation.
  • Extremely Lightweight.
  • Email sending class.
  • Session Management.
  • Query builder database support.

Zend Framework: Zend is a modern framework for performing high-end web applications. It is also an object-oriented web application.

Zend Framework

Symfony: Symfony is a PHP web application framework and a set of reusable PHP components.

Laravel: Laravel is a free, open source PHP web framework. Laravel has integrated with some of the great components of well tested and reliable code. Laravel is most useful for routing and lightweight blend tempting.


Features of Laravel:
  • It used Controller method injection.
  • Authentication support provided.
  • It works on the Directory structure.
  • It helps you to execute every route or specific route in your application.

Learn briefly about different frameworks which are provided by PHP training in Chandigarh. These frameworks are helpful to design web applications easily. These are worked on Model view controller that help developer to develop web applications.

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Use of AngularJS with PHP

Use of AngularJS with PHP

AngularJS is a Javascript frontend framework. It is basically act as a backend tool and enable you to create "a single page web application".

PHP is a server-side scripting language which is used in a backend. We can not consider at all with AngularJS. When we create web applications with AngularJS, then sometimes we require to access data from a database. In this case, we require to communicate server side scripting language with Angular. It is most likely act as an API.

There are some points that many websites are built using this particular combination are discussed below:
  • It is Easy: Most of the tasks in Angular are directly baked into HTML, which growing web developers are compelled to learn as the de facto markup language. PHP is absolutely easy to get well and generally available.

  • It is Cheap: Let us assume you do not have command line skills, you are going to want GUI features. cPanel, one of the more developed choice in this space, It is allowed offered by various popular hosting services in shared servers at a reasonable cost.

  • Windows Accessible: Numerous newer web developers have not built the leap to Mac. Good features that we assume in web development are come from UNIX. But these are not usual to Windows end users. But installing XAMPP is simple competent.

We can say that Angular and PHP are very easy for web developers that are only starting to get a web development feel. In time, they will establish other opinions as they come across new technologies and communities. For more information, you can visit our website:

PHP training in Chandigarh is the best PHP training institute in Chandigarh for web development. CBitss Technologies which is ISO 9001:2008 certified company provide web designing and web development training and also provide SEO training in Chandigarh for increasing the visibility of a website on search engine result page.